At A Glance Comparison

Comparison Charts

This easy, at-a-glance guide is designed to help you determine the best law enforcement training solution for your agency. VirTra offers a variety of simulation solutions for any budget or training need. Each simulator is equipped with an extensive library of scenarios, courses of fire, targets and environments are designed to improve training.

Each VirTra law enforcement training simulator is equipped with V-VICTA—Virtual Interactive Coursework Training Academy—which teaches, trains, tests and sustains an officer’s knowledge as an all-in-one solution. The certified curriculum is paired with interactive virtual coursework for maximum training both inside and out of the simulator. The V-VICTA curriculum meets the standards set by the IADLEST—International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training—National Certification Program for POST Certification across 35 states.

The law enforcement police training simulator comparison chart below compares each police training simulator’s basic features, making it easy to determine the perfect simulator for your agency’s needs:

  V-300® V-180® V-ST Pro® V-100®
Number of Screens 5 3 1-5 1
Complete Scenario Library
V-VICTA Coursework
Structured Debriefing
Languages and Localization
4K Option Available
Presentation Manager
Directional Sound & Effects    
Marksmanship Courses
# of Weapon Laser IDs 16 16 16 16
STEP Program Eligible
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Note: There are numerous other features and functions. Please speak to a specialist to learn more about VirTra’s police training simulators.


Add-On Items

The chart below compares included features with available add-on items (✓) for our law enforcement simulators that can help you determine which features and tools are right for your department:

  V-300® V-180® V-ST PRO® V-100®
Video and Audio TMaR Debrief
Small Arms Recoil Kits
Less Lethal (OC, TASER®, Impact Munitions)
Lowlight Training
Threat-Fire Device
Fast-Fill Refill Station
V-Author Editing Software
V-Author PRO Authoring Suite
Borderless Screens    


Assistant Chief Mike Redmond Testimonial

Assistant Chief Mike Redmond

San Francisco Police Department

All of it has to do with training and preparing the officers to be able to respond in a real time situation. It’s very scenario-based training. They’re not sitting in the classroom getting talked to. They’re in the scenarios that they see every day out in the streets.