Simulation training is much more than looking at characters on a screen.
VirTra’s use of force simulation training is a combination of scenarios featuring professional actors, certified classroom curriculum, near 1-to-1 realistic accessories and immersive simulators that together create the most powerful training environment.
Training in the most realistic manner enables trainees to feel the stress, experience peak psychological and physical fidelity and immerse themselves in realistic scenarios designed to transfer skills to the field.
Multiple Interactive Screens
In regards to VirTra’s multi-screen simulators—the V-180® and V-300®—action pans across or appears on multiple screens. This is due to VirTra’s pioneered method of production. Compare this to other simulator companies who film scenarios on low tech cameras (or sometimes cell phones). Filming this way forces action to be contained to a single screen, regardless if the training simulator is a multi-screen.
Filming production with high-end technology and equipment allows the images to be clearer, the scenarios to be more realistic and forces trainees to keep their heads on a swivel. Does your training simulator do that?
Extensive Realistic Branching
As crime evolves, so must law enforcement training. Departments need the most innovative, state-of-the-art training possible to keep skills sharp, transferrable to the field and relevant. To make this possible, VirTra’s subject matter experts built each scenario with an average of 85 realistic branching options.
Branching options allow for a more unique type of training, as the scenario unfolds based on the trainee’s actions or instructor’s decisions. Having an average of 85 options is key, as it allows an extensive number of possibilities that are fully formed.
Be cautious of companies that boast thousands of branching options per scenario. Chances are, with too many branching options, the quality of the scenario is reduced as time was spent hastily creating options. With VirTra, time is spent on creating quality, not quantity.
Proper Consequences
Some agencies incorporate shoot-back canons or flashing lights into their training as a form of distraction. However, both of these options create hassle for the instructor and trainee. With the shoot-back canon, instructors spend more time aiming at the trainee rather than watching. As for the flashing lights, while annoying, it does not create stress or psychological fidelity.
Instead of working with these primitive accessories, VirTra encourages using the Threat-Fire® as a means to add realistic consequences into training. The wireless handheld device clips onto clothing, and is remote activated for maximum safety and realism. Instructors can capitalize on the electric impulse to simulate hostile actions, such as gunfire, explosions, dog bites and more. VirTra holds the only patent for a combination of an electric feedback device utilized in a simulation, making this realistic form of consequence unique to VirTra customers.
Training Curriculum
VirTra is the only training simulator company that offers IADLEST-certified curriculum, known as V-VICTA—Virtual Interactive Coursework Training Academy. The IADLEST National Certification Program™ for POST Certification sets the standard for curriculum certification across 36 states. Each course is critically reviewed by members of IADLEST and has passed the rigors of their independent review process, saving instructors time and money from creating their own coursework.
Compare this curriculum to other companies that produce self-certified materials. V-VICTA is comprised of certified materials that teach, train, test and sustain your trainees as an all-in-one training solution. These curricula cover a variety of crucial topics, such as: Active Threat/Active Killer, Autism Awareness, High Risk Vehicle Stop, Mental Illness, TASER® Targeting and more. Can your training simulator company promise you that?
VirTra is much more than the training simulator. It’s the combination of IADLEST-certified curriculum, extensively planned scenarios and innovative training equipment that VirTra prepares officers for the field in a way no other company could. To find out more about integrating VirTra into your department training, contact a product specialist.