Martial arts are ubiquitous with the idea of a highly trained master passing on knowledge to the young inexperienced pupil. This is the way martial arts systems work and has since the formal training schools were established. The sheer volumes of movies documenting examples of this relationship may never be counted.
VirTra hosts some of the industry’s best and brightest subject matter experts (SME) in the mission to ensure law enforcement has access to the best training possible so the communities they serve benefit. These SMEs make up the VirTra Training and Curriculum department. One of the philosophies of VirTra’s Training & Curriculum department is that “When the Master is no longer the Student, they are no longer the Master.” This is why two of VirTra’s own SME’s are traveling to the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA) conference this week to conduct and attend some of the best training offered to law enforcement.
ILEETA is one of the industry leaders in offering training to a group of international law enforcement trainers. This annual conference is attended by some of the world’s best trainers and coordinators. Our trainers are looking forward to learning from and presenting to this elite group of people.
The ILEETA mission statement is:
“As an organization, ILEETA is committed to the reduction of law enforcement risk through the enhancement of training for criminal justice practitioners.
As ILEETA members, we are fully committed to the saving of lives through the development and delivery of high-quality training.
As training and education professionals, we are committed to the safety and security of our fellow citizens, and improved understanding between society and the criminal justice professions.”
SME TJ Alioto is presenting a course on “Technology and Training” and Director of Training & Curriculum Lon Bartel is presenting on “Deliberate and Purposeful Practice.” VirTra is thrilled to attend, present, and sponsor this year’s annual ILEETA conference. We hope to see our fellow trainers here.
This article was written by Lon Bartel, VirTra’s Director of Training & Curriculum. Out of his 20-year career as a police officer, he was a Rangemaster for 12 of those years, specializing in firearms and less-lethal training along with control tactics. Additionally, he has been a certified law enforcement trainer for over 18 years of his career.
As an IADLEST Nationally Certified Instructor, Mr. Bartel was instrumental in creating the IADLEST certified V-VICTA program. He has been certified by the Force Science Institute as a Use of Force Analyst and an Advanced Specialist.