One of the greatest risks in law enforcement is the proper management of the use of force. A survey conducted in the Midwest found that excessive force claims made up 17% of all liability claims made against police departments, and these claims cost about $4 million in losses. VirTra’s use of force scenarios and training simulators help police officers make better decisions in the real world. Through virtual real-life scenarios, they learn how and when to use force – whether it’s lethal or less lethal.
Proper Training to Reduce Risk via Use of Force Training Scenarios
Police officers face a multitude of dangerous situations during each and every shift, but adequate judgmental use of force training can help them prepare for the unexpected. After all, it is difficult to make assumptions about how to react in certain situations unless that situation comes up in real life. That is exactly what VirTra had in mind when creating its high-tech line of training simulators. The goal involves allowing police officers to experience situations in a virtual setting before they encounter them in the real world, which better prepares them and gives them the experience they need to make better on-the-spot decisions.
Firearms, Recoil, and Return Fire Training Use of Force Scenario
Knowing how and when to use a firearm is one thing, but understanding how that firearm will react when fired is another. Though officers regularly use firing ranges to get the feel for their firearms, shooting at a range and shooting during a dangerous encounter are not the same. Sometimes, officers may be required to fire their weapons from awkward positions, which can amplify the recoil and catch officers off-guard. Firearms simulators that incorporate real-life scenarios along with weapon recoil and simulated return fire better train officers how to react and respond.
Non-Lethal Force Training
Police officers hope they never need to fire their weapons, and it is their duty to exhaust all other means of subduing and apprehending a suspect before pulling the trigger. VirTra’s use of force training scenarios also provide training for non-lethal tools, including everything from OC to impact munition (12 gauge, 37mm, 40mm) and even TASER® devices. This real-life training gives officers the opportunity to see how a use of force scenario will play out if they choose to avoid using lethal force. These tools create a true-to-life reaction within the simulator.
Use of Force Scenarios That Change Based on Officers’ Decisions
VirTra understands that judgmental use of force training is not as effective when officers learn to anticipate what will come next in the scenario. That is why their products offer various outcomes that depend on the officers’ decisions along the way. For example, in an active shooter situation, the outcomes are different when the officer chooses to use a TASER and when they choose to use lethal force. Following the use of force training scenarios, debriefing can help officers learn why the decisions they made were correct or incorrect, thus giving them vital experience for real-world situations.
Judgmental use of force scenarios are important for the safety of not only the officers but also of the general public. Depending on the situation, quickly subduing and apprehending a suspect can save many lives. That’s why VirTra’s use of force training scenarios are so diverse and customizable – they seek to provide the best and most realistic training possible.
Interested in learning more or scheduling a demonstration? Contact a product specialist!