Extensive De-Escalation Simulation Training
Agencies can effectively maximize their budget and de-escalation training with VirTra simulators. Each simulator is equipped with a wide variety of realistic scenarios, which have true-to-life branching options. Law Enforcement simulators also come with V-VICTA® —IADLEST-certified curriculum— for added training. Instructors can take this to the next level, because with VirTra, instructors have the ability to tailor training to their department’s needs.
Utilize 300-Degree Screens to Set the Scene
Before custom-creating a scenario, instructors need the best system. VirTra recommends the V-300®, the higher standard for decision-making. This simulator features five screens that cover 300-degrees for intense training immersion. The ability to see each side of the situation increases the officer’s ability to observe the situation and make better-informed decisions in a heightened-stress environment.
Invest in Quality Props to Increase Realism
While the 300-degree training simulator is an excellent beginning to creating realistic scenarios, the scene is not complete without props. Adding simple additions like chairs and tables to enhance the scenario improves the training content. After all, it is unlikely active threats will occur in open spaces without obstacles. Placing props throughout the training scenario allows participants to learn how to react and adapt to their surroundings in addition to providing them places to conceal and cover while evaluating threats.
Further Mimic a Real-Life Incident with Return Fire
To maximize your firearms training simulator, consider adding the V-Threat-Fire™. This consequence device simulates hostile actions—such as gunfire, explosions and dog attacks—adding real-world consequences to the training simulation. Combined with props such as walls and tables, trainees can learn where and when to shoot, if necessary. V-Threat-Fire is also instrumental in increasing stress responses and has been shown to result in better outcomes, thus maximizing training sessions.
Expect the Unexpected During Simulation Training
Law enforcement and military personnel learn to expect the unexpected. VirTra’s firearms training simulators help participants to react to “curveballs” with sound judgment, which instructors can manipulate through the scenario’s extensive branching options. These situational curveballs keep participants engaged and constantly adapting to the situation, from rookies to seasoned officers. VirTra’s simulators teach judgmental use of force through these decisions, helping the team learn as much as possible per session.
Create Custom Scenarios to Best Train Your Department
What makes VirTra stand out in the virtual training simulation industry are the endless options for custom scenarios. Instructors can use V-Author® to import a panoramic image of a local scene or select a pre-programmed environment. From there, a library of characters, props, visual effects and animated targets can be added with a click of the mouse.
For example, if an instructor wanted to train officers for threats in a specific neighborhood, they could take a picture of that location and overlay characters in V-Author®. Placing participants in areas they commonly patrol allows them to become familiar with the area and threats that may appear.
End Training with a Debrief
Once the training simulation has completed, learning continues in the form of debrief. Trainers can debrief participants with a rundown of the consequences of their actions, as well as statistics on the number of shots fired and firing stance. After engaging with the simulation and seeing the consequences unfold, law enforcement officers can tailor their responses to earn the best results in the future. Contact VirTra for more information on our system and how it helps train judgmental use of force.