Students studying criminal justice typically seek employment in one of three of the major components: law enforcement, the court system, or the criminal corrections system. In any of these three cases, use of force simulators in the classroom can enhance their knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of criminal justice in several ways.
The Criminal Justice System in the Media
Criminal justice students, just like everyone else, pick up the newspaper, read stories online, or watch the news. Thanks to the prevalence of media today, there are plenty of stories about how a police officer made the wrong choice, costing someone his or her life, or how a judge was too lenient (or too harsh) with a sentence, or even how a corrections officer abused his or her authority. Sometimes, these stories are founded in truth. Other times, they are media observations and second-hand stories of events. Either way, police officers, judges, and even corrections officers spend a lot of time in the limelight, and more often than not, it’s negative.
How Use of Force Simulators Help Each of the Three Components
Because not all criminal justice students will inevitably become law enforcement officials, it is important to examine how the students destined for the judicial and corrections systems can benefit from judgmental use of force training simulators.
- Law Enforcement – Students who will inevitably go into law enforcement are on the front lines. These are the individuals who will face dangerous situations each and every day, even during routine traffic stops. Judgmental use of force simulation trains them to deescalate situations appropriately depending on the suspect’s behaviors, actions, and the unique situation.
- Judicial System – Though judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and others aren’t directly in the line of fire, they can also benefit from use of force training simulation. When these individuals better understand the pressures and the situations law enforcement officials face, they can make better decisions themselves, whether their duties involve prosecuting a criminal, defending a criminal, or even handing down a criminal’s sentence.
- Corrections System – Most students going into the corrections line of work will not have access to firearms due to the inherent dangers of carrying a firearm in a jail or prison setting. However, this does not take away from these students’ need to learn more about how to deescalate situations. Simulations can train corrections officers how to handle everything from an aggressive inmate to psychological preparation for close quarter encounters. When these officers are better prepared, they can make better decisions and get things under control more quickly.
Real-World Training and Preparation
In the end, judgmental use of force simulator training is beneficial to anyone and everyone considering a job in the criminal justice system. It is all about giving these students access to what really happens each day – not just what the media tells them. Though reporters work hard to provide only the facts, it is easy for facts to be misleading, and it can give criminal justice students a false sense of the real world. By incorporating use of force simulators in the classroom, and by properly training these students to handle various scenarios, they can have a better understanding of what the job is truly like, not only for themselves, but for others, too.
Judgmental use of force simulator training is not just for police officers and military officials. In fact, this training can serve anyone in criminal justice well by providing them with true-to-life experiences and training them how to react. It is highly customizable to serve each student’s personal needs, as well, which can make it an invaluable learning tool.