Training simulators are a fantastic teaching tool for both trainees and seasoned officers. Their high-resolution graphics display sophisticated, true-to-life scenarios while immersing individuals in the training simulation.
However, the state-of-the-art technology, subject matter experts and industry professionals that together make the police training simulators powerful, also in turn make the simulators more expensive. While powerful curriculum, expertise and modern technology are essential for the best results, many departments struggle to be able to afford this high-end firearms training solution.
To make this technology more accessible to all, VirTra partnered with PoliceGrantsHelp to provide police departments across the nation with a comprehensive resource for grant assistance:
Grant Assistance
By partnering with PoliceGrantsHelp, departments throughout the United States can receive FREE customized grant help in regards to police training simulators and firearms training projects. This specialized grant help includes research, alert notices and application reviews from a team of grant experts, together helping your department successfully collect grants for training simulators.
PoliceGrantsHelp spans federal, state, foundation and corporate grant opportunities for law enforcement. An extensive grant database in addition to the grant application review helps your department find, prepare for and submit the best grant applications possible. Are you ready to improve your applications?
Grants Guide
VirTra also created the FREE Grants Guide, an extensive PDF booklet designed to help departments find and apply for grants. Discover where to find grant funding to purchase a police training simulator, including federal grants from the Department of Justice, in addition to individual states and alternative funding opportunities. To make applying easier, the guide includes key tips on applying for grants and providing information on VirTra’s police training simulator.
Preparing officers for life-and-death situations they may face in the field is a critical component of any agency’s training program. VirTra offers a variety of firearm training simulation options to help officers train in a safe, controlled environment. Help your officers improve their de-escalation and judgmental use of force skills, then transfer that knowledge to the field.
Set your department up for success. To find more about grants, visit PoliceGrantsHelp, download our FREE Grants Guide and contact a VirTra simulations specialist.