Next week is the NSA 2021 show in VirTra’s backyard—Phoenix, Arizona! The NSA Annual Conference and Exhibition is one of the largest in this field, covering police work, courtroom security and more. VirTra is proud to be attending as an exhibitor and will show some of our newest products and newly released content for our firearms, judgmental use of force training simulators.

Since the show will be featuring numerous seminars and workshops on sheriff duties—including law enforcement, jail operations, court security and more—VirTra will be showcasing applicable training scenarios with our state-of-the-art firearms simulator! Come step inside the simulator and experience realistic, high-resolution training first-hand.

In addition to our training simulators, VirTra will be providing information on our drop-in laser recoil kits, CO2 magazines, nationally-certified training curriculum and more. Together, these assets combine to create a well-rounded, realistic and controlled training environment for all sheriffs and deputies. Talk to a representative at the show for more details.

We look forward to seeing you at NSA Phoenix!

VirTra, NSA 2017, National Sheriffs Associations

The work, training and unique roles of sheriffs and deputies across the United States will be the focus of the annual National Sheriff’s’ Association Education and Technology Expo, being held June 23-28 in Reno, Nevada. More than 60 training and informational seminars and workshops covering topics including law enforcement, jail operations, service of process, transportation of prisoners and court security, will be offered. Some 2,200 attendees are expected at the conference, where they will also be able to experience the latest in law enforcement technology products.

On the Expo’s show floor, VirTra will be demonstrating its flagship V-300™ judgmental use of force training simulator in booth 839 at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. The VirTra V-300 simulator is VirTra’s five-screen, 300-degree immersive training system. By incorporating five screens and a 300-degree field of view, the VirTra V-300 firearms shoot or don’t shoot simulator provides situational awareness and professionally-shot, high-resolution videos to present real-life scenarios which provide high-impact training for law enforcement officers.

Continued in-depth and specialized training for sheriff’s officers and deputies will be the subject of a myriad of educational sessions at this year’s NSA conference, including classes on Intermodal Anti-Terrorism, Tactical Response to a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack, and Collecting the Right Use of Force Statistics.

The Intermodal Anti-Terrorism seminar from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 24 will focus on the how state, local and federal law enforcement agencies can work with the private sector, public works and emergency management officials to prevent and respond to attacks against transportation systems.

The Tactical Response to a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack seminar will be held from 11:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28, focusing on examples of terrorist attacks around the world in recent years, including Madrid, London, Mumbai, Paris, Nairobi, Brussels and Dhaka. These incidents featured coordinated attacks on multiple nearby venues almost at once, which forced the responding law enforcement and rescue officials to respond on the fly.

The Collecting the Right Use of Force Statistics seminar, which will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 24, brings together use of force data to show how having access to statistics on a regional level can shape policy and training, as well as notify management of any deputies whose involvement in use of force incidents might pose additional liability for their departments.

Please join us at VirTra’s booth #839 at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center and see how VirTra reality law enforcement training systems can improve your department’s training needs.