Half a continent away, in Kansas City, MO, Patrol Capt. Matthew “Tye” Grant is bringing Force Science education to influential civilians, one grand jury panel at a time.

In cooperation with local prosecutors, Grant, a certified Force Science Analyst and a former KCPD academy supervisor, spends three to four hours with each grand jury in his jurisdiction that is scheduled to pass judgment on an officer-involved shooting. His role: give the jurors an eye-opening and unforgettable immersion in cop reality before they vote on the OISs before them.

“I’m not trying to bias them but to inform them of fundamental truths that critically influence officers’ performance but that most of the jurors and other civilians have absolutely no knowledge about whatsoever,” Grant told Force Science News.

Although Kansas City currently averages about two OISs a month, Grant does not discuss any particular case with the jurors. The information he conveys relates to common deadly force issues–“situations officers typically get involved in and have to make decisions about and things citizens wonder about.”
